Friday, September 14, 2012

Coldstream Awash in Plans

...and obviously money, too, as new plans indicate.

The contentious Coldstream Agricultural Plan--with its RU10/RU30 proposed zoning--has neither been changed, cancelled nor completed despite harsh criticism from Coldstream Acreage Owners.  It's simply fallen off the radar.

Despite the unfinished Ag Plan business, this Council's Strategic Planning Session on July 30th, 2012 identified a new project:  reviewing the nearly 20-year old Official Community Plan for $61,000+ (not including mapping) and $12,550+ for Communications (+$5,000 contingency). 

Perhaps they're planning to include Ag rezoning into the rehashed OCP; perhaps not.
Nobody's saying.

But, frankly, Coldstream Acreage Owners are so upset that they hope to never hear of RU10/RU30 again.  And if their Communications Plan is as effective as their Mayor and Council's communication skills, perhaps we can hope for the same result? 

Let's look at Coldstream's rationale for an OCP review:

"Several incremental changes have been amalgamated into the plan to incorporate different planning initiatives and new Provincial legislation; for example, the "Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan" and the Provincial "Fish Protection Act" and "Riparian Areas Regulation".  A major amendment was processed in 2007 to consider the implications of major utility upgrades along Kal Lake Road and in particular, the ramifications for proposed expansions for the Coldstream Meadows retirement community development."

Also requiring consideration in a revised OCP is the Regional Growth Strategy from the Regional District of North Okanagan, the Memorandum of Understanding to which Coldstream is already a signatory.

But there's more:  "...several recent planning initiatives, completed studies and Provincial regulatory changes require consideration in the OCP, among them:  hazard lands assessments, sensitive ecosystems and terrain suitability for development. Also, Provincial legislative changes have initiated a requirement that the District of Coldstream must consider greenhouse gas abatement strategies in the OCP." (wasn't that the application grant claim for the Bike Path????)

So...apart from one level of government initiating paperwork revisions/plans to other levels of government, what's ahead in Coldstream?

Of interest to acreage owners:

"A comprehensive review will also enable a new dialogue with the residents and property
owners in the District of Coldstream. For example, there has been more than one
occasion over the last few years where residents are raising the issue of density of
development; most recently, the appropriate size of a duplex lot. Coldstream Council is
of the opinion that it is timely to enter into a dialogue on land use matters generally in the
District and to develop new or improved policy directions that could address the issues
being raised by residents and property owners.(blog emphasis)

 "Part 26 - Division 2 of the Local Government Act outlines the required content of an Official Community Plan as well as other matters that Coldstream may consider.  Municipal policies outside of these parameters are non-enforceable and essentially have no meaning.  Therefore, these terms of reference are specifically pointed towards only matters where Coldstream has some authority and jurisdiction." (blog emphasis)

Here's what Part 26 Division 2 says:

Required content

New dialogue with residents and property owners? 
We property owners know all about dialogue with Coldstream's government, and the lack of trust that resulted.

We also know of all the backroom dealings with "homeowners as developers" and the "requests for gifting" of land or money which, by the way, continue today!

No communications program, no matter how spiffy, can rebuild the trust we've lost in Coldstream's Mayor and Council. 

Forget plans to change Coldstream's logo, folks.

But you can change Nulli secundus to Primum non nocere:  

It means: First, do no harm!

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